CT Advanced
- Lap 2, Last Turn – #35 bumped #112, causing deviation and loss of position. 1 position penalty to #35.
- Lap 3, Turn 7 – Incident between #35 and #52. Reviewed, no further action.
CT Expert
No incidents to report.
ST Racers
- Lap 1, Turn 8 – Incident involving #207 and #65. Reviewed, no further action.
- Lap 7, Turn 4 – #6 braked late and caused #165 to go off track and lose position. 5 second penalty against #6.
- Lap 7, Turn 9 – #501 dive bombed into #6. 1 position penalty against #501.
- Lap 8, Turn 4 – #501 bumped #65 and #3, causing them to deviate and therefore benefiting from the incident. 1 position penalty against #501.
- Lap 8, Turn 9 – #663 dive bombed #65. 1 position penalty against #663.
- Lap 10, Turn 4 – #3 blocked #501, causing to spin and go off track. 5 second penalty against #3.
- Lap 10, Turn 9 – Incident reviewed. No further action.
- Lap 10, Last Turn – #65 and #3 rough driving on the last turn. Warning issued for both.