- Lap 1 Turn 6 – #112 and #81 were pushing each other, resulted in #880 to be hit and go off-track. 5 second penalty and warning to #112 and #81 for unsporting behavior and causing an uninvolved party to be inconvenienced.
- Lap 2 Turn 1 – #112 and #81 rough driving into T1. Warning to both #112 & #81.
- Lap 2 Turn 2 – #81 unsafe rejoining onto track, causing deviation of #32 and #143 which went off track as a result. Warning and 1 position penalty to #81.
- Lap 6 Turn 6 – Incident involving #32 and #81. Responsibility of overtaking falls on the driver overtaking. Warning to #32.
- L7 T3 – #81 dive bomb into #663, causing deviation and off track. 5 second penalty + warning to #81; based on Article 11 – DRIVING DISCIPLINE of the MSF CyberTurismo Regulations, he has collected total 3 warnings and is Disqualified from this race.
- Lap 9 Turn 9 – #32 late braked, which caused a bump to #112, which also caused #143 to be bumped. Warning to #32.
Stewards’ Remark: All Drivers please be reminded that any driver that collects a total of 3 misdemeanor warnings over 1 Series, will be racing under probation after the 3rd warning, and immediately disqualified upon the next misdemeanor, as per Article 11 – DRIVING DISCIPLINE of the Sporting Regulations.
A racer must understand that despite CyberTurismo being a game, such moves would absolutely be considered as high risk in real life, putting other racers’ lives at unnecessary exposure. These driving disciplines are outlined in detailed in the Sporting Regulations. A reminder from the MSF CyberTurismo Stewards’ for all racers to please respect all other fellow racers.